I have to say I'm impressed with this effort from Asmik.
They have taken a sound platform game and added a bit of role playing elements to
shake things up. The graphics are quite good and features some nice details.
Some levels such as the Gateway of Flame have nice effects like the lava. The
main character has some nice animations and is also quite responsive to
control. Levels also shy away from the run of the mill formulas and feature
some originality for once. Besides walking about, slaying your foes and
collecting the coins they leave behind, you will also come across a shop from
time to time. Here you can replenish your health, buy some new weapons or even
catch the wacky news. While fighting you can also call upon Zap to attack your
enemies and he has his own life bar that can also be filled up again by buying
some food at the shop.
Another highlight is the music which is surprisingly good
for a NES game, especially one of this era. There are also some downsides, but
luckily not much. Gameplay can be a bit frustrating at times with things
hitting you all over the place, but with patience and timing you can easily
complete the game. Dying is also a frustrating experience while fighting a boss
as you have to travel all the way back to him to restart the fight, instead of
simply starting the battle from scratch. The last level also features some
particularly nasty maze like layouts that can cause much frustration. Don't let
these criticisms put you off though. Conquest of the Crystal Palace is still an
enjoyable game and one that stands out in the platform market due to the extra
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