The puzzles in the game can be quite fiendish at times and
taking careful notes is highly recommended. You can do things wrong and do
stupid things which can result in you being unable to complete the game. You
can save your position at any time via a 32 digit password but this thing is
huge and cumbersome to write down. Fortunately if you die, you can just press
continue to go on from just before you died and don't have to input the
password. Turning off the power means you have to input the password next time
though. A good idea is the password confirm where you can type in the password
to let the game confirm you have in fact written down the right thing. Trust me;
this can save you a lot of frustration if you accidentally wrote down a wrong
The graphics in the game is good but nothing really special.
The outside map is filled with pyramids, tombs and ruins to explore while the
interior graphics is small but detailed. You get lots of items along the way
and some of them can be combined to form new items. The demons you encounter don't
really look that scary and all the rooms are just static pictures with no animations.
There are lots to do though as things can be moved around to expose secret
doors and all kind of keys and gems has to be found. Having three characters,
which you can switch between also makes for a few interesting puzzles. The game
also has a few nice twists although conversations with other characters are a
bit limited.

Adventure fans should really get a kick out of Tombs and
Traps although more traditional RPG fans will probably be a bit disappointed by
its length. If you would like to try a game where the emphasis is on puzzle
solving and exploration, not combat then give Tombs and Traps a try. It's got a
good storyline, some nice puzzles and will keep you guessing for quite a while
to unravel all its secrets. It can also be a highly frustrating experience so
if you don't have the brainpower or patience for this game it will all end in